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Each Jumping Jelly Beans class has been expertly crafted by specialists. You and your little one will be guided through a magical journey of sights, sounds and movement.  Each activity is designed to stimulate healthy development, curiosity, self expression and joy so you know that every moment you spend with us will be setting your little one up for a bright and active future. 



Your tiny baby is your world right now and you are theirs. We are here to support and empower you. Our young baby classes are a safe, non-judgemental space where you can learn and have fun whilst meeting other like-minded parents of little ones. You can join us for Tummy Time and Sensory classes where you and your little one explore a range of stimulating play, learn the basics of baby signing and gain ideas for home. You can also join us for Baby Massage classes where you can learn how to massage your baby, an incredibly soothing technique that helps with windy tummies, colic and sleep. As your baby grows you may want to join us for a weaning and baby nutrition course, giving you the information you need to have confidence in your feeding choices. After each session we invite you to stay for tea and cake and grown up conversation. Book Now

Tummy Time & Sensory
Mondays 12:25-12:55pm in Berryfields
Tuesdays 11:40am-12:10pm in Berryfields
Baby Massage Course - Please enquire for future dates
Weaning & Baby Nutrition Course - Please enquire for future dates


It may be a cliche but it really does seem like yesterday that you were holding your tiny new born in your arms, now they're bum shuffling, crawling, cruising and even walking around and you can't take your eye off them for a second! It's so important for little ones of this age to have a safe space to explore their physicality. In their Movement and Sensory class they will build strength, balance, confidence and a love for being active. You will also learn about baby signing and gain ideas for home activities. Mums, dads, family and friends are welcomed to join in (max of 2 adults per child). You will come to treasure those special moments bonding with your baby, exploring our magical stories, enchanting music and exciting games. You may also want to join us for a weaning and baby nutrition course, where you will find all the information you need to have confidence in your feeding choices. After each session we invite you to stay for tea and cake and grown up conversation.  Book Now 

Movement & Sensory

Mondays 11:35am-12:05pm in Berryfields
Tuesdays 10:50-11:20am in Berryfields

Weaning & Baby Nutrition Course - Please enquire for future dates


Your little cherub is walking, running, throwing and twirling around and loving every moment of it.  In our Wobblers class your little one will join us for a truly magical dance and drama adventure with story telling, dancing, singing, acting and physical challenges. As they move through the class they are encouraged and supported to master new skills with positive reinforcement and a growth mindset.  There is no competition or expectations, every child learns and explores at their own pace with the help of mum or dad by their side.  As they start to become expert communicators we help them to find their voice and the confidence to fully embody self expression. After each session we invite you to stay for free play and refreshments.  Book Now

Dance & Drama Adventure Class
Mondays 10:45-11:15am in Berryfields
Tuesdays 10:00-10:30am in Berryfields


This is a crucial time for little ones to develop independence and social skills.  Their grown ups are always welcome in class, however now is a great time to take a step away and let your little explorer find their own way. All our age groups have a family activity at the end of class, so you will always be involved in your child's lessons.  Our Striders just love making new friends, learning team work and trying new skills together. Their dance and drama adventure classes are a whirlwind of creativity, expression and joy. As they refine their motor skills they are able to learn new skills and move with delicacy and accuracy using the music to inspire their movement. As they perform for you on the last week of each theme you will see their self-confidence florish and their growing sense of pride. There is a comfortable waiting area with toys and refreshments where grown ups can relax during class and also stay afterwards for free play.  Book Now

Dance & Drama Adventure Class
Mondays 10:45-11:15am in Berryfields

Tuesdays 10:00-10:30am in Berryfields
New dedicated class starting on Mondays in October

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